About Me

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Me and my dogs.

About Me

My name is Katharine; I’m from Indianapolis but currently reside in Bloomington, Indiana. I am (and have been) an MRI tech for 19 years. I have a deep love for animals, especially dogs, and have two of my own. One is a mischievous 5-year-old Basset Hound, and the other is a 15-year-old lab mix, which I raised from a day old pup.

Arts and crafts are a relaxing hobby for me. I have enjoyed creating them my whole life, whether it be painting, cross stitch, crochet, or something else. I have on occasion even incorporated my dogs into my artwork, and I would really like to do that on a more regular basis at some point. I started oil painting in the style of Bob Ross in 2017, and a cousin inspired me to start acrylic pour painting in May 2019.

The fun of acrylic pour painting is you never know what you’ll end up with, and watching it all come together is very fun for me. (It’s so much fun my house is overflowing with them! This is why I’ve decided to start selling them.) Because of the randomness of these pours, no two pieces will ever turn out identical. I may be able to make something similar, but never identical. I don’t plan to sell prints of my artwork, so that means all pieces will be unique one-of-a-kind works, and no one else is going to have the same one that you do. Once a piece sells, I will move the image of it to the gallery on the sold paintings page. Be sure to check that out too, to see what other designs I’ve already done!

Thanks for stopping by my website, and I hope you find something you like! Please reach out to me if you have any questions.